How to cancel my order?

We only accept cancellations within 12 hours from the time that the order is placed. To cancel an order, please follow the following:

- Contact us by sending an email at with your order number within 12 hours.

- Once order dispatched from our side there is no cancellation option with us.

How to process Online Return / Exchange?

You can return or exchange an item online at by following the below steps.

  • Log in to the 'My Account' section at
  • Choose the order that needs modification.
  • Select the product to return or exchange and fill in the required information.
  • You may reach us on 82749 52026 for taking return request.

Customer Support

For any other queries, you can speak to our customer care team either by calling on 82749 52026 or by e-mailing at

Please have the below information ready before you call customer care or mention the same in the email:

  • Order Number
  • Registered E-Mail Id
  • Product Name
  • Pick-Up Address                        

To process a return or exchange successfully, please re-pack the items to be returned with all the original packaging & tags that they were shipped with. 

Our courier partners will pickup automatically within 2-3 days from your request.

Please collect docket slip from courier partner for further process.

*Please read the return policy carefully before returning an item.